Thursday, May 23, 2013 is a site used by teachers to gain supplies for their classroom.  This site is not restricted to art supplies.  I have been very successful in my use of this site.  The site walks you through a process step by step to create a project, shop, and load your items into a shopping cart.  People from all around can give any amount that they desire to your project.  So, facebook friends may give $20.00 or someone in New York that you don't know may fund the whole thing.  Once a project is funded through the site the items are purchased and sent to your door.  All that is required is that you allow your students to write thank you letters, take a few pictures, and write a thank you letter from you.  They even pay postage for you to send your student letters in to the company.  There is a point system that allows for you to gain or loose points for punctuality and participation.  This site put a little power in your hands when you want to do a special project.  I hope that you have great luck with

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